
How to know Birth Month of Spouse - Find Out the magical technique in Naadi Astrology Watch this video (click on the above link) to understand the calculation better. Hello friends, Do you want to know the month of birth of your spouse? There is a fantastic way to know this. In a female chart Mars represents the husband and in a male chart Venus represents the wife. We all know that Jupiter is the Jeev Karaka or Aatma Karaka planet in any horoscope. It represents ourselves. Jupiter is the soul. We take Jupiter as an ascendant in Naadi astrology. Now look at the 7th house from it. Forget about all the planets. Just focus on the 7th house from Jupiter. 7th house month can be the birth month of your spouse. In naadi astrology yoga is formed in trine houses, like 1+5+9 or 2+6+10 or 3+7+11 or 4+8+12. Look at the trine houses from your 7th house. Those house month can also be the birth month of your spouse. Now see the house where the 7th house lord is placed. That house m